Pure Herbs Ltd is a family owned company that has been making fine herbal extracts for over 36 years. The owner Dr. Eugene C. Watkins practiced naturopathic medicine for over 40 years and he himself formulated most of the herbal combinations that Pure Herbs sells. His commitment to quality has made Pure Herbs Ltd one of the best herbal extract companies in the world.
Dr. Eugene C. Watkins B.S.ed., M.S., N.D. carries a diversified educational background, including biology, biochemistry, botany and plant physiology. Following his undergraduate baccalaureate work in science, language and education from S.E. Missouri University, he went on to continue his studies abroad at the Free University of West Berlin, Germany. Futhering his knowledge, he earned his Masters of Science degree from Michigan State University, received a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the Anglo-American Institute of Drugless Thgerapy in Bournemouth Haints, Great Britain in 1976. In 1980, he earned a second Naturopathic Doctor's Degree from the American University of Natural Therapeutic & Preventative Medicine in Mesa, Arizona. While becoming an Iridologist and Herbologist of distinction, Dr. Watkins ran exhaustive studies on vitamins, minerals and herbs - always mindful of their positive effects on the human body. Futhermore, in practice as a Naturopath and nutritional consultant, he has demonstrated dedication ad perseverance of philosophy to achieve the objective purpose to help expand the nutritional knowledge and wisdom of humankind. In short, Dr. Watkins has devoted his life to building better health naturally.